written words of the incurably adventurous
A journal for sharing stories of travels, exploits, love, inspiration, & anything else that just pushes us to our most beautiful limits.

The Power of One Kind Gesture
Never underestimate the power of one kind gesture. We all have hard days. Sometimes hard weeks, months and even years. We allow self-doubt to creep its nasty self into our minds. We question our decisions, our goals and ambitions. Sometimes we can crawl out of these...

Don’t wish away your days…
I hear it all too often, "I can't wait for the weekend" or "I hate Mondays." I cry a bit inside when I hear this. Why do you want to wish away your days? Life is short enough already! Perhaps if you're really that unhappy with what you're doing Monday through Friday,...

The Silence of Snow
Years ago I received a splitboard as a gift. If you're not familiar with a splitboard, it's basically a snowboard cut into two pieces like skis. It allows you to skin (hike) uphill like you're on skis. You connect the board at the top and then snowboard down. Because...

How Did I Get Here?
How did I get here and what the heck is The Fly Rhino? That's a darn good question and quite frankly I don't know if we have enough time for the entire story. Better yet I don't think I can keep your attention for that long. So the long and short of it goes a little...